The Office of Health Hazard Assessment ("OEHHA") [pronounced Oh-we-hah] has added methanol (CAS No. 67-56-1) to the list of chemicals known to the State to cause reproductive toxicity for purposes of Proposition 65. A "reproductive toxicant" is one that causes birth defects and/or interferes with male and/or female fertility. Warnings are not required for a one-year period following the listing; thereafter, if a consumer using a product or a citizen breathing air (for example) are exposed to more than 1/1000 of the no-effects level of methanol, then the warning requirement is triggered.
OEHHA listed methanol using the "authoritative body" mechanism per 27 C.C.R. 25306. [See for Prop. 65 regulations.] In the case of methanol, the listing was based on a study done by the National Toxicology Program.
The OEHHA "report" on methanol can be found at The OEHHA Technical Support document on methanol can be found at It is the second item noted.
The list of chemicals subject to Proposition 65 can be found at
A review of Proposition 65 and how it operates can be found at
A discussion of a strategy for defending against a Prop. 65 claim for consumer products can be found at
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